Our Instructors

Rope Climbing 101

Bouldering 101, 201 & Personal Trainer

Tom Treiman (He/Him)

A few years back (not saying how many!), my younger son was in 8th grade and bored, so we thought we'd try the local climbing wall. We both got hooked. I went on to get my certification as an AMGA SPI.

I’m looking forward to sharing my love of climbing with everyone who comes in to CoMo Rocks!

Holly Harrison (She/Her)

I was born in Springfield, MO and currently live here in Columbia. I've grown up immersed in some of the best climbing in the nation. Climbing has always been a way of centering myself in this chaotic world and taught me resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.

I love helping others explore what movement means and feels like to them. I've pushed myself beyond what I thought my limits were again and again and know just how to push you there, too.

I've also have a formal background in personal training with several long term clients and an in-progress certification with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.